Sanderos, pria kelahiran Swiss yang bermain sebagai punggawa klub
Fulham Liga Premier Inggris, telah masuk Islam. Ia mendeklarasikan
keyakinannya di sebuah Islamic Center di kota
Manchester. Senderos sebelumnya bermain untuk raksasa sepakbola Inggris,
Arsenal, dan sekarang bermain untuk tim nasional negaranya, Swiss.
English : Sanderos Philipe, who was born in Switzerland who plays as a retainer of the English Premier League club Fulham, has converted to Islam. He declared his belief in an Islamic Center in the city of Manchester. Senderos had previously played for the giants of English football, Arsenal, and is now playing for his country, Switzerland.
lulusan teologi, menunjukkan banyak minat dalam agama-agama dunia dan
menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya di luar sepakbola untuk membaca
segala hal mengenai agama sebelum dia memeluk Islam. “Saya sangat
tertarik pada agama-agama dunia dan membaca banyak buku tentang itu”,
Senderos berkata dalam sebuah wawancara dengan majalah Arsenal.
English : Philippe, a graduate theology, showing a lot of interest in the religions of the world and spends most of her time outside of football to read everything about the religion before he converted to Islam. "I am very interested in world religions and read many books about it," Senderos said in an interview with Arsenal Magazine.
“Jika saya tidak bermain sepakbola, saya mungkin akan menjadi seorang imam”, tambahnya.
English : "If I was not playing football, I would probably be a Imam," he added.
Namun, sayangnya menurut, Sanderos masuk ke madzab Ahlul Bait yang merupakan bagian dari Syiah, bukan Islam Sunni.
English : However, unfortunately according, Sanderos entered madzab Ahlul Bait, which is part of the Shia, not Sunni Islam.
2. Thierry Henry

Thierry Henry : Kalo Percaya Pada Islam Seseorang Harus Percaya Pada Al Quran & Rasul / If Someone Must Believe In Islam Believe in Quran & Rosul
Islamedia - Bagi Thierry Henry, Islam adalah sebuah pilihan. Karena itu ketika memutuskan berpindah keyakinan dan menjadi mualaf, dia merasa bahwa selalu sangat dekat dengan Islam.
"Saya menganggap Islam sebagai pilihan terbaik untuk saya jika saya ingin percaya pada sebuah agama," kata striker New York Red Bulls tersebut.
Menurut Henry, menjadi seorang Muslim itu tidak boleh setengah-setengah. "Aku mengikuti semua apa yang diajarkan oleh Alquran. Ini sebabnya saya anggap Islam yang paling dekat dengan hati saya."
Legenda Arsenal ini menyatakan, Islam mengajarkan umatnya bahwa seseorang harus percaya dulu terhadap Alquran. Ini sebabnya dia belum menyatakan Islam sebagai agamanya, tapi Henry mengerti agama ini lebih daripada agama lain. "Dan itu benar-benar menyedihkan bahwa banyak orang tidak meluangkan waktu untuk mencoba memahami Islam."
Penyerang Les Bleus Prancis yang sukses meraih Piala Dunia 1998 dan Piala Eropa 2000 ini menekankan, jika seseorang benar-benar percaya kepada Allah maka sudah seharusnya setiap Muslim harus menjadi orang yang taat. "Kalau percaya ajaran Islam, seseorang harus percaya pada Alquran dan Rasul terakhir," ujar Henry.
Translete English :
Islamedia - For Thierry Henry, Islam is a choice. Therefore, when deciding to move faith and converted to Islam, he feels that it is always very close to Islam.
"I consider Islam as the best choice for me if I want to believe in a religion," said the New York Red Bulls striker is.
According to Henry, became a Muslim should not be half-half. "I follow all the words of the Koran. This is why I consider Islam the closest to my heart."
Arsenal legend states, it teaches people that one must believe first of the Qur'an. This is why he has not declared Islam as a religion, but Henry understands this religion more than any other religion. "And it's really sad that many people do not take the time to try to understand Islam."
Les Bleus French attacker who successfully won the 1998 World Cup and Euro 2000 is stressed, if someone really believe in God then it should be every Muslim should be a devout man. "If you believe in the teachings of Islam, one must believe in the Qur'an and the Messenger last," said Henry.
"I consider Islam as the best choice for me if I want to believe in a religion," said the New York Red Bulls striker is.
According to Henry, became a Muslim should not be half-half. "I follow all the words of the Koran. This is why I consider Islam the closest to my heart."
Arsenal legend states, it teaches people that one must believe first of the Qur'an. This is why he has not declared Islam as a religion, but Henry understands this religion more than any other religion. "And it's really sad that many people do not take the time to try to understand Islam."
Les Bleus French attacker who successfully won the 1998 World Cup and Euro 2000 is stressed, if someone really believe in God then it should be every Muslim should be a devout man. "If you believe in the teachings of Islam, one must believe in the Qur'an and the Messenger last," said Henry.
3. Nikolas Anelka
Nicolas (Bilal) Anelka. Bekas striker Chelsea ini masuk islam pada 2004 ketika bermain di UAE setelah berdiskusi tentang agama dengan teman masa kecilnya. Dia mengambil nama muslim Abdul-Salam Bilal.
English : Nicolas (Bilal) Anelka. Former Chelsea striker was converted to Islam in 2004 while playing in the UAE after discussing religion with his childhood friend. He took the Moslem name of Abdul-Salam Bilal.
4. Franck Ribery
Franck (Bilal) Ribery. Pemain tim nasional Prancis ini juga sudah mualaf setelah menikah dengan perempuan Prancis keturunan Aljasair. Ribery pernah berujar, “Saya berdoa lima kali sehari. Saya lakukan itu karena bisa membuat saya terbebaskan dan merasa lebih baik.”
English : Franck (Bilal) Ribery. France's national team players also convert after marrying a French woman Aljasair descent. Ribery once said, "I pray five times a day. I did it because it made me relieved and feel better. "
5. Kolo Toure
Kolo (Habib) Toure. Bek tengah Manchester City asal Pantai Gading ini adalah seorang muslim yang aktif mempraktekkan agamanya. Keluarganya pun muslim. Dia bercita-cita menjadi role model bagi kaum muda muslim di Inggris.
English : Kolo (Habib) Toure. Manchester City central defender from the Ivory Coast is a Muslim who actively practice their religion. His family was Moslem. He aspires to be a role model for young Moslem in Britain.
6. Frederik Kanoute
Frederick (Oumar) Kanoute. Pria Prancis keturunan Mali ini bermain untuk Sevilla dan tim nasional Mali. Dia memeluk islam sejak umur 20 tahun, ia rela mengorbankan gajinya untuk membeli Masjid yang akan digusur di Sevilla (Spanyol).
English : Frederick (Oumar) Kanoute. Men's French ancestry Mali plays for Sevilla and Mali national team. He embraced Islam at the age of 20 years, he was willing to sacrifice his salary to buy the mosque to be demolished in Sevilla (Spain).
7. Karim Benzema
Karim Benzema. Pemain Real Madrid dan tim nasional Prancis ini dilahirkan oleh orang tua keturunan Aljasair-Kabyle. Dia menghayati keislamannya secara terbuka.
English : Karim Benzema. Real Madrid and the French national team was born to parents Aljasair-Kabyle descent. He live his Islam openly.
8. Mesut ozil
Pemain nasional Germany , yang Sekarang memperkuat tim Real Madrid, ini menjalankan agamanya (islam) dengan baik.
English : Germany national player, who played for Real Madrid now, this practice their religion (Islam) well.
9. Abou Diaby
adalah orang Prancis keturunan Pantai Gading. Pemain tim nasional Prancis ini juga menjalankan agamanya (Islam) dengan baik.
Eng : French is a descendant of the Ivorian person. French national team players also practice their religion (Islam) well.
10. Eric Abidal (Barcelona/Timnas Prancis)
Eric 'Bilal' Abidal sedang membaca Alquran di
dalam pesawat. Bek Barcelona itu dikabarkan bakal menjalani
transplantasi hati dalam beberapa pekan ke depan. | Eric 'Bilal' Abidal was reading the Koran in the plane. Barcelona defender was rumored to be undergoing a liver transplant in the next few weeks.
Setelah memutuskan memeluk agama Islam atau menjadi mualaf, Abidal menambahkan nama 'Bilal' di tengah namanya. Punggawa Timnas Prancis itu terus berupaya menjadi Muslim taat pascamengucapkan dua kalimat syahadat. Bek Barcelona ini gemar sekali membaca beberapa ayat Alquran sebelum berlaga.
Di setiap sesi latihan klub, Abidal tidak pernah melupakan untuk membawa tas kecil berisi Alquran mini.
Dan masih banyak yang lainya yang datanya ga mungkin saya tulis satu persatu.
Eng : And there are many others that I may not write data one by one.
- Ahmed Mido Hossam
- Diomanssy Kamara
- Djibril Cisse
- El-Hadji Diouf
- Eric Abidal
- Frank “Bilal” Riberry
- Frederic Kanoute
- Halil Altintop
- Hamit Altintop
- Hassan “Brazzo” Salihamidzic
- Hatem Ben Arfa
- Hossam Ghaly
- Khalid Boulahrouz
- Kolo Toure
- Mahamaddou Diarra
- Mohammed “Momo” Sissoko
- Mohammed Kallon
- Armand Traore
- Nicolas Anelka
- Nuri Sahin
- Rami Shaaban
- Robin Van Persie
- Salomon Kalou
- Samir Nasri
- Stephen Appiah
- Sulley Ali Muntari
- Yaya Toure
- Zlatan Ibrahimovic
- Zinedine Yazid Zidane
- David Trezeguet
- Abou Diaby
- Bacary Sagna
- Emmanuel Eboue
- Marouane Chamakh
- Thierry Henry> Masih isu…
- Seydou Kieta
- Ali al-habsi
- Vedad Ibisevic
- Lilian Thuram
- Lassana Diarra
- Rustu Recber
- Johan Djourou
- Pascal Cygan
- Emre Belozoglu
- Ibrahim Afellay
- Marat Izmailov
- Aiyegbeni Yakubu
- Leon Osman
- Marouane Fellaini
- Youri Djorkaeff
- Fred
- Mesut Ozil
- George Weah
- Phillipe Troussier
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